Personal branding is a critical part of success in the sports industry, and our sports agency offers expert guidance and support for brand development and management. We work closely with our clients to develop a strong personal brand identity, build a following, and leverage social media platforms to create new opportunities and advance their careers. Our team also provides essential support for protecting our clients’ image and reputation, helping them to manage their personal brand in a way that creates long-term success in the sports industry.


Check out how we help athletes on and off the court

Contract Negotiation

Our contract negotiation services are designed to help our clients secure the best deals possible while ensuring their long-term interests are protected. We have extensive experience in negotiating sports contracts and can provide comprehensive guidance and support throughout the negotiation process.

Career & Post-Career Advising

At our sports agency, we provide comprehensive career and post-career advising to help our clients navigate the complex landscape of the sports industry. Our team offers expert guidance and support to help trainers and players achieve their long-term career goals, and to prepare for life after sports with financial planning and other essential support.

Brand Management

We work closely with our clients to develop their brand identity, create a strong online presence, and build a following that can open up new opportunities. Our brand management services also help our clients protect their image, manage their reputation, and leverage their personal brand to create long-term success in the sports industry. comprehensive guidance and support throughout the negotiation process.

Career & Post-Career Advising

At our sports agency, we provide comprehensive career and post-career advising to help our clients navigate the complex landscape of the sports industry. Our team offers expert guidance and support to help trainers and players achieve their long-term career goals, and to prepare for life after sports with financial planning and other essential support.





Whether it is: to earn a transfer to a top european league, to establish a career anywhere in europe, orĀ  to find the ideal development environment and pathway to the professional level, velibed sports management is prepared to create a strategy and guide you through it with our expertise and personal attention.


Our sports agency provides international transfers services to help trainers and players navigate the complex process of moving to a new team or league abroad. Our team has extensive experience in international transfers and can provide comprehensive guidance and support throughout the process, from securing visas to negotiating contracts. We work closely with our clients to ensure a smooth and seamless transition to their new team, helping them to settle into their new environment and focus on what they do best: playing and coaching sports.




Our personalized training programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual athlete or trainer, focusing on both strengths and weaknesses to help our clients reach new levels of success. We also provide comprehensive guidance and support for long-term career planning, helping our clients navigate the complex landscape of the sports industry to achieve their goals and realize their full potential.


Personal branding is a critical part of success in the sports industry, and our sports agency offers expert guidance and support for brand development and management. We work closely with our clients to develop a strong personal brand identity, build a following, and leverage social media platforms to create new opportunities and advance their careers. Our team also provides essential support for protecting our clients’ image and reputation, helping them to manage their personal brand in a way that creates long-term success in the sports industry.


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